Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Apologies...

Prompt: Most writers make the New Year's resolution of completing a manuscript during the year. As usual, we neglect it. Tonight, I must write an apology letter to my manuscript explaining what happened and how I plan to make it up to the manuscript by December 31. Leggo....

Dear Still Not Satisfied,

Let me start by saying I thank you for never leaving me. You stayed in my head until I finally got you out on paper. So thank you for being persistent. When 2011 started, you were a novel and I promised you I would adapt you into a screen play. Well, here we are, November 2011 and you are still just a novel. Please forgive my inconsistency and procrastination. You know I love you but I have let self-doubt and lack of discipline intrude. Hell, even laziness plays its part. I can't leave out fear--fear of no one liking it, fear of everyone liking it--and its role in this process.

Today, I stand up and I say no more. SNS, you are my first literary child and I will dedicate my time to completing your film version. I have been talking to others about you. Some very important people want to read you. Together, we have piqued their interest and now I must give the people what they want. 

I can understand if you don't believe the words that are being typed on this page. Therefore, I will show you. I am a firm believer in actions trump words. From 8am-4:30pm, I belong to ETI (for now). From 6pm-until, I'm all yours. I hope you will accept my apologies for not completing you sooner and allow me the chance to square you away in the next two months. At least, your first draft...  I'm good but I am no water-walker.

Writing even in my sleep,

Step Brown

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