Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today, in fact, like ten minutes ago, I was walking to my car. I was ending the seventh-to-last-day of school. En route, I overheard a conversation. Now, mind you, I am no snoop but the young dude was talking so loudly, I could not help but listen. Now before I rewind this one-sided talk, please allow me to share a poem I learned as a child. It goes:

There once was an old owl who lived in a oak.
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?

As a child, I never really understood this poem but as I got older, I began to appreciate its message. And I took heed. I observe a lot more than I speak and that makes for some interesting findings.

Such as today: As I walked to my car, one of the white students was talking on his cell phone. Before he noticed my presence, it was MF this and F that. He apologized for tainting my prettable afternoon with such abhorrent and repugnant obscenities and carried on his confab. Based on what I heard, the other party was supposed to be picking him up and apparently was seriously late. Just as I was about to close my car door, this pudgy white student with dirty brown hair and in desperate need of a tanning bed stated, "Are you at the wrong school, nigga? I'm in the back."

Now, you can imagine my repulsion when I heard this. First of all, I cannot believe he used that word within my earshot. Then again, he probably thought I could not hear him. I was a good forty yards away. What God did not give me in sight, He gave me in hearing. Secondly, I was astonished that he used that word referring to one of his WHITE friends. How do I know this? The young dude drove up as I drove away. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am very familiar with the Chris Rock "I-love-my-black-folks-but-I-hate-n*****" joke. I have even shared the sentiment. But I never call anyone that word nor will I allow people to call me that word. It just amazes me that young white kids think it's cool to call each other the N-word. Thanks to the Hip Hop culture, of course. Jay-Z said that hip hop has done wonders for race relations. I guess so when one of the most derogatory terms used to describe another human being is freely used as a term of endearment. Sad state of affairs!!!! Thanks Hip Hop!!

And I won't even talk about what hip hop is doing to the self-esteem of our young people. That deserves its own post.

Until then, listen more like this old bird. I get it from the owl.

I'm just saying...
Step Brown

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